Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Rtistx 280 Panel

I just finished a piece on another type of Rtistx panel - RTX 280 Portrait Smooth. I completed the piece shown here with 100% wax-based colored pencils, but I would like to try using neocolor water soluble pastel crayons on this surface as well. Like the RTX 300, this panel is thick and yet surprisingly lightweight. However, RTX 280 has a sanded surface more like Wallis pastel paper. I prefer this support to Wallis because the thickness of the panel prevents warping, and the sanded surface seems a bit finer.


Kasie @ ~The Art of Life~ said...


I'm drooling, lol. :)

Anonymous said...

Holly, all I can say is WOW!

hbedrosian said...

Thank you, Kasie and Kay Susan!

Marsha Robinett said...

I agree with Kay Susan...WOW! I need a cloth to dry off my computer screen...the water made it wet!

This is beautiful.

Unknown said...

This is beautiful! I'm going to get a glass of water now.

hbedrosian said...

Thanks, Marsha and Deborah. I'm glad that the water looks believable!

Teresa Mallen said...

Hi Holly,

I agree with everyone - wonderful!

I especially love all the colours you used in the shadow on the thumb. I also love the idea for the piece - so simple - a hand, an apple and water. Yet so powerful. Congratulations on such a beautiful piece.

Unknown said...

Holly - how did I miss this! Its amazing! Your hand pieces are just so great! I love the rubicks cube too.

Plus did you know we have an H2O themed show for chapter coming up? They need photos soon from people that already have theirs finished - for the postcard. You need to send it to Kendra!